The Stimulus Package consists of five multiplayer maps - three totally new ones and two brought back from Call of Duty 4:
  • Bailout: three-storey apartment complex with no place to camp, as every point has its own flank weakness. The map throws players into close quarters conflicts.
  • Storm: abandoned warehouse district which is surrounded by messy, industrial loading bays and driveways - there are hundreds of places to hide!
  • Salvage: frozen junkyard which keep players on the move due to its compact size.
  • Crash (COD4 remake): war-torn urban environment with a few great sniping spots.
  • Overgrown (COD4 remake): rural map with large outside areas, which makes it great for snipers in ghillie suits.If you play Modern Warfare 2 regularly the Stimulus Package is totally worth the price, as the maps offer quite a bit of variety.Enjoy.     
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